August 21, 2007

My new book is out and the website is up

    I am proud to announce that my new book, "40 Days and 1001 Nights, a Woman's Dance through Life in the Islamic World" is available online on my new website. Please take the time to read about the project, which includes a book, film, dance concert and music cd, as well as charitable fund. Log onto
   This very timely project is important for everyone in America to read- not because it tells you anything sensational, or uncovers a terrorist plot. Rather, it tells about real life and real people in five Islamic countries: Indonesia, Egypt's Siwa Oasis, Zanzibar, Jordan, and China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region. If we communicate and know more about one another's every day lives, peace is possible.
   I took the past two years out of my life, and nearly all the money I made teaching dance workshops to do this project..Not as a business or money making venture, rather because I felt that it was something someone had to do. Please look over the website and give support by purchasing the book and letting people know. This is not limited to dancers, and my greater hope is that this book gets read by the American public at large.
  US influence extends around the globe and has affected nearly every culture on earth, but what do we know about everyone else? This book is light and fun, full of juicy, enlightening, and fun information, culture, food, art, men, women, children, comments on how they see us...and more.
   One more thing, if you buy the book, which I sincerely hope you do, the most important thing is to read it. Estimated reading time is ten hours, but if you want to get a clearer picture, you can add the documentary film DVD to your cart and feel like you are there in person.
Tamalyn Dallal
